dinsdag, maart 25, 2014

Lemon Fried Chicken

Street food is very popular in Taiwan. You must try some when you are there. Last time I went to Taipei with my two best friends. One evening we went to the night market. It was busy and for me it's just an eye opener. I looked around and everything was new for me, so I had checked everything before I made a decision. What we did was: ordered some snacks by one stand, finished the snacks and went to the next. I think we visited in total five stands in one evening and we had so much fun :)

One thing I want to point out is the snacks in the picture next. Pick a basket and choose your favourite snacks with a pair of tongs. Pass the basket to the lady and she'll finish the snacks for you. My favourite was the deep fried chicken thigh. It's so crunchy and moist. These words are just not enough to describe my feeling of it. What about make it at home? With lemon sauce. Although the deep fried chicken thigh has a different flavour, the texture stays the same as the one I ate in Taiwan. So what are you waiting for?

Ingredients (4 servings)

4 chicken thigh
2 lemon 
2 slices ginger
Oil (deep-fry)

2 eggs
Corn starch  

Marinade chicken
1 tbp chicken powder 
1 tbs Chinese wine 
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tbs salt

Seasoning sauce
6 tbs fresh lemon juice 
6 tbs sugar 
2 tsp custard powder 
150 ml water


1. Wash the chicken thigh and dry it with cooking paper towel. 

 2. Marinade the chicken thigh for minimum 30 minutes. 


3. Cut one lemon in halve. Squeeze the lemon and 6tbs lemon juice is needed. The other one, slice it. 



4. Beat the eggs in a deep plate and put some corn starch on another plate. Coat the chicken thigh in the corn starch, then dip in the beaten egg and coat the corn starch again. 



5. Heat oil and deep- fry the chicken thigh till golden brown. Place the chicken thigh on a plate covered with cooking paper towel. 



6. Cut the chicken in slices.  


7. Heat up 2 tbs oil in a pan. Add ginger slices.


8. Pour the seasoning and add the lemon slices (keep some for garnish) in the pan. Cook the sauce till it's thick enough. Taste it!


9.  Put the chicken thigh on a plate. Pour the sauce on top and garnish the dish with a slice of lemon.



Wow.. Look at the chicken thigh. Serve it with rice and salad and you are done!

Nicole & Cara, miss you gals and the days we were in Taipei :D


* Season the sauce with extra salt, pepper, lemon juice and sugar if it's necessary. 

* Repeat step 5-6 for the other servings. 

* By step 6, cut the chicken thigh with a knife and fork, it could be hot!

* By step 9, if the sauce stays watery, make a mix of 1tsp corn starch and 1tbs water (give it a stir) and pour this in the sauce (keep stirring the sauce at the same time) and you'll have the right consistency.

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