woensdag, april 23, 2014

Avocado Walnut Spread

My fiancé brings sandwiches to work everyday. Yesterday he told me that he wanted to have something else between the bread, that means no ham, cheese, peanut butter or chocolate spread. At that moment, I saw an avocado at home, so I made him the avocado walnut spread last night and today he brought his new sandwiches to work :D

Ingredients (2 servings)

1 avocado
2 eggs 
20g walnut (chopped)

2 tbs lemon juice 
1 tbs olive oil 
1 tbs mayonnaise

1. Place the eggs in a pan with cold water. Heat over high heat to boiling. 
    Turn to medium heat and cook for 4 minutes.

2. Drain the eggs and cool completely under running water.

3. Peel the eggs and chop in chunks. Put the chopped eggs in a bowl.


4. Cut the avocado in cubes. Add in the bowl. 


5. Add seasoning.

6. Use the back of the fork to mash the eggs and avocado. 




 7. Add the chopped walnuts and mix everything together.


8. Spread the avocado spread on bread, toast or cracker. 

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