dinsdag, april 08, 2014

Granola Bar (Sugar Free)

Yay! It's tea time. What shall I grab to snack? Maybe you are thinking of this problem everyday.
Nowadays, most of the snacks contains lots of sugar and unhealthy fat.
I have a solution for this problem, make your own granola bar and bring it to work or school.
A bar with lots of fibre and vitamins. The main thing is- IT'S SUGAR FREE! 



100 g dried apricot
90 g oatmeal
70 g walnut 
30 g linseed 
30 g raisin

20 g grated coconut
2 banana
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Lemon zest

Special Equipment 
Springform pan 18 x 25 cm (covered with baking sheet) 


1. Preheat the oven to 170°C.

2. Peel the banana and cut the banana in pieces. 

3. Blend the banana with 1 tsp ground cinnamon.


4. Chop the walnuts and cut the dried apricots in pieces. 


5. Put all the dried ingredients and lemon zest in a mixing bowl, mix everything together.


6. Add the banana mixture in the mixing bowl and mix everything well. 


7. Pour the mixture in the springform pan and put in the oven.


8. Bake for 25 minutes. 

9. Remove the springform pan from the oven. 

10. Let it cool down for 5 minutes.

11. Cut it in bars.

Keep the granola bars in a cookie tin or wrap in foil.

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