maandag, mei 05, 2014

Gyudon Japanese Beef Bowl

I'm going to the film tonight, so I need to eat something easy and fast. My idea is to make the Gyudon Japanese beef bowl. When the rice is steaming, I go to change my clothes and put the makeup on. 10 minutes before the rice is done, I start to prepare the beef dish. After dinner, I'm ready to go and I'm sure that I'll have a great evening.

Ingredients (2 servings)

300 g thin sliced beef fillet
1 onion (thin sliced)
3 egg (beaten) 
Steamed rice (2 bowls)

2 tbs Oil 

2 tbs sake
2 tbs mirim
2 tbs Japanese soy sauce
100 ml beef stock 

Chopped spring onion


1. Heat 2 tbs of oil in the skillet.

2. Add onion and cook for 2 minutes over medium heat.


3. Add seasoning and cook for 5 minutes.


4. Add the thin sliced beef fillet and cook until the beef is 70% done.


5. Pour the beaten eggs and stir the beef at the same time. Turn off the heat.


6. Place the beef on top of the steamed rice. Sprinkle sesame and spring onion.

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