vrijdag, mei 02, 2014

Roasted Vegetable

What I'm going to show you today, is one of my favourite side dishes. Make the dish colourful with different kind of vegetable. Add seasoning and pop it in the oven. Ten minutes before the dish is done, grill some meat or fish and your dinner is ready to serve.

Ingredients (3 servings)

1 pumpkin

2 sweet potatoes 
3 paprika 
2 tomato 
1 onion 
1 whole garlic
250g mushroom

6 tbs olive oil 
6 tbs balsamic vinegar 
2 tbs dried Italian herb 

Special equipment
Roasting tray


1. Preheat the oven to 200 °C.

2. Wash all the ingredients and cut in chunks. Keep the garlic whole. Put everything in the roasting tray.

3. Add the seasoning in the roasting tray. Mix everything together.

4. Put the roasting tray in the oven and bake for 40-50 minutes. Gently stir the vegetable so that the vegetable roast evenly.

Serve the dish with grilled pork belly for example. 


* You may use other vegetable like courgette, aubergine, carrot or potato.

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